How Much Do We Have To Pay??

This is a common question, when considering compensation. The key here is not so much “how much,” but remaining consistent with your approach.

In compensation parlance, this is called your “compensation philosophy,” and includes a consideration for wanting to lead, lag, or match the market in general. In other words, do you want to — generally — pay more than the market median, less than that median, or pretty close to exactly that market median. (more…)

SHERM’s Got Bucks…

A recent article in Workforce magazine revealed that the Society for Human Resources Management, or SHRM (pronounced “SHERM”), is a $95M enterprise with — better sit down — almost $170,000,000 in financial reserves! $170M buckos.

That ain’t chump change.

Yet here we are, 2008… and the vast majority of the profession still spends time and emotional energy on why managers can’t do this, why they ‘must’ do that, and telling the shop guys to take down their girlie calendars.

Not that these things don’t have some value. They do. It’s just that, if we’re hanging our hat on compliance, don’t be surprised when we start looking like buggy whips to senior managers.


What’s This “Empowerment” Stuff?

There are two fundamental styles of leadership: Controllers and empowerers. Now, I always hesitate to say that “Controllers” are bad, and “Empowerers” are good.

It’s just not that simple.

Sometimes, even the best leaders find themselves in a controlling ‘mode.’ Perhaps a deadline snuck up on them; perhaps there’s been previous errors in decision-making or judgment. Maybe it’s a safety issue or a true urgent need. (more…)


As leaders, we need data and information to make sound decisions. Without them, we are but knee-jerk reactionaries, our direction and focus more resembling a weather vane in the wind than the rock-solid vision necessary for leading others.

So, as we start this new year, let’s decide now that we’ll do everything within our power to have access to that information. For instance: Do you blow up (real or perceived) when your staff brings you really bad news? Shooting the messenger is the pinnacle of foolish; the bad news continues, you simply don’t get it anymore.

The truth is, we should embrace those delivering us bad news. Even if they caused it. we can deal with the performance and behavior later, but right now, the best thing we can hope for is knowledge.

So, what do we say to our folks to prompt such open and forthright discussions? Well, realize first that your words don’t mean squat if your actions portray something else, but here are some suggestions: (more…)

Automatic Crap

I have clients and colleagues frequently ask about various pc- and web-based performance management systems. I won’t name them here, but you probably know of many of them (the systems, that is).

They claim to streamline and better process performance management reviews, scheduling, and responsibilities. They even go as far as to provide some assistance to tongue-tied managers unable to bring adequate wording to bear in the their review — another subject altogether, I won’t get on my soapbox just yet — to further take the effort out of performance management.

To this, I have two comments:


Checkin’ Up On You…

So, let’s talk about references. Recently, I heard an HR generalist ask about references. They wanted to know:

a) If they were limited to the references provided by a candidate,

b) What to do if they could not contact someone because the candidate wouldn’t give permission…, and

c) What good were references anyway since past managers and HR shops can’t give out any info??

Hang on to your seats, my answers may get rough… I’m just doing some free-wheeling here, so stay with me.

Managers/HR won’t give out information? Sure they can, and from my experience, usually do. I sometimes have great conversations, and make long-term acquaintances through these calls. I have friends today whom I met as I was speaking to them about a reference. Can’t shut them up sometimes.


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