Many consultants, academics, and self-proclaimed management and leadership gurus perpetuate the myth that “leadership” is some lofty, intrinsic skill that you just “arrive at” through timing, opportunity, and sometimes birth. Those same experts will then explain how “management” is a basic, simple skill learned by reading books, attending classes, and being developed in a regimented fashion. Hogwash.

The connection between leadership and management is inextricable.  The two are so interconnected that spending time arguing about the differences is akin to arguing whether a plane can fly because of its shape or engine thrust. It needs both to work correctly, and the same holds true for leadership and management.

Defining Leadership

What we need is a definition for leadership that makes sense – one that includes the obvious skills of a manager as well as the charismatic qualities and trustworthiness that define those in charge. Leadership, then, is “the successful combination of effective management practice, coupled with personal credibility and the innate ability to motivate others”. Let’s take a closer look at the three components: effective management practice, personal credibility, and motivational ability.

Effective Management Practice as the Foundation

It’s absolutely ridiculous to assume that an ineffective manager could be a truly successful leader.  A manager’s core function is largely control, and effective control is necessary for a leader to “lead” in the right direction.  The foundation for leadership, then, is the ability to manage effectively and efficiently.

Personal Credibility as Necessity

Leadership is highly personal. People don’t follow merely because someone has a business card that says “President”, “Senior Vice President,” or even “Manager.”  People follow because they believe in their leader.  They believe in their leader’s ability to define a positive vision and direction.  They believe their leader is going to be successful, and they want to be a part of that success. Finally, they believe their leader cares about them, collectively as a group, and individually.

Motivation is Key

The most significant step “up” for an effective manager is to become a successful leader. Truly great leaders must have the ability – the inherent skill – to convince others that what they are doing, or about to do, has worth and meaning and they will be better for it. Leaders provide the catalyst for people to “do more,” not just “do enough.” Leaders know that positive motivation, coached effectively, is a long-term, not a short term, asset.

Building Great Leaders of the Future

If leadership and management are so closely linked, and all the business books and magazines describe “leadership” as the holy grail of a senior professional, then how do we get these amalgamated? Leadership is not a birthright; it’s a learned skill. And with the exception of a handful of charismatic leaders–some good, some not so much– leadership is a set of learned skills that we acquire through traditional means like training, coaching and other leadership development efforts. Leadership, then, can be taught.

If leadership consists of management skills, personal credibility, and the ability to motivate and it can be learned, then the sooner we embark on this path of knowledge, the sooner we can begin using these new- found leaders in our organizations.


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