I’m Outta Control! You should try it sometime.

I’m Outta Control! You should try it sometime.

It took me a lotta years to learn a lesson that everyone else knew but me. And I wasted a lot of time and energy on fool’s errands fighting my way forward or dragging my heels kicking and screaming to prove everyone else wrong.

Once I tell you what it is, you’re likely to chuckle to yourself and think: Duh! I could’ve told him that!

Here it is: I’m not in control of everything.

In fact, I’m only able to control a very few things, and I’m not particularly good at those.

At work, that can be a problem, because our and our company’s success depends on other people doing what we ask them to do. And we don’t control what anyone else thinks, feels, says, or does.

Worse yet, no one wants to work for a controlling boss.

We intuitively know there is a host of outside influences to our company’s success that we can’t control: natural (and man-made) disasters, the weather, global pandemics, government regulations, the past and future, etc. While knowing it doesn’t keep us from being concerned about it, that’s why we make contingency plans for when things go wrong. It’s what keeps a crisis from turning into chaos.

But worrying about things we don’t control is a waste of time and energy.

People, on the other hand

Ultimately, what other people say and do is out of our control. So, what should we do, throw up our hands in defeat when someone’s behavior blocks the road to success?

Of course not. That’s where influence plays a key role in our leadership. Yes, manipulators influence others, too – to their own advantage or to serve their own purpose; leaders use their influence for the good of the organization.

Think of influence – like emotional intelligence – as a superpower that you can use for good or evil. Leaders use it for good.

If you’ve been a reader of At C-Level for any length of time, you know that people don’t do what we ask for three reasons: they don’t know how, we won’t let them, and/or they don’t want to. We may control the institutional roadblocks that keep them from being able, but we can only influence what they know and what they want to do.

And only we can control how we exert that influence.

As leaders, when we leave others feeling cared about and that their efforts contribute to success – both theirs and the organization’s – there’s a better chance than not we’ll see a positive change in behavior.

On the other hand, if what we say and do feels like manipulation to others, well… I don’t know about you, but I don’t respond well to manipulation.

And then there’s the big, bad world. If we rail about The Man about something we have no control or influence over, we’re wasting our breath. It doesn’t even really make us feel better.

And how we feel is something only we have control over.

Trust me; I know it’s hard to let go. Especially for us control freaks (you know who you are). It takes effort and has to be intentional. To this day I keep a reminder on my desk to separate what I can control from what I can’t.

Bottom line: control what you can, influence what you need to (to benefit the organization), and stop fretting over the other stuff. Don’t spend needless energy or resources when you’re actually out of control.

But that’s up to you, leaders.

I’m a Quitter! You should be a Quitter, too!

National Quitters Day

Friday, January 10th was National Quitters Day. Always the second Friday after New Years Day, Quitters Day is the day people are most likely to decide to quit their New Year’s resolutions.

(Look it up – I don’t make everything up.)

I suspect it’s because people who decide to stop drinking want to go out and party after missing a weekend, but I’m not a researcher. And I digress.

Speaking for myself, there are plenty of behaviors I should stop doing in my personal life, and since my daughter is about to have our first grandchild, now seems as good a time as any.

Speaking as a leader, I quit a number of behaviors a long time ago, because I learned how detrimental they were to successful team performance and how hurtful they can be to individuals. Some I learned by trial and error, and some were brought to my attention.

The latter was usually painful, so maybe you can learn vicariously from my mistakes. These may not all resonate with you, but here are a few behaviors I needed to quit that were a surprise to me:

Showing favoritism. Never in a million years did I think I was playing favorites. I thought I was just treating my high performers like high performers and my slugs like slugs. What I learned was how you act toward someone has nothing to do with how you assign work or recognize accomplishments. There’s a big difference, and I’m different now.

If that might sound like you, quit playing favorites.

Being unapproachable. What?? Me?! I had a clear open-door policy: if I wanted you in my office, my door was open. From feedback I got, that didn’t even begin to scratch the surface. I wasn’t approachable: if I was busy, in a hurry, in a bad mood, or if someone was easily intimidated. What I learned as the leader of a team was being approachable was (and still is) one of the most important behaviors a leader should exhibit. It comes with being a good listener, encouraging, empowering, and if need be, forgiving.

Quit being unapproachable.

Setting unclear expectations. I knew what I wanted done, and I told them what they needed to do. It seemed clear to me. The results were predictable: their failure to meet expectations resulted in my frustration. It took a high performer to finally open my eyes. She didn’t know the results I was looking for, the purpose or what would be done with the results, or when I wanted them by. Apparently, she couldn’t read my mind.

A tip: not everyone is as smart as you. I recommend you quit setting unclear expectations.

Pretending to know when I didn’t. Guilty. And I knew I did it. After all, what leader wants to look stupid in front of their team. What I didn’t know was that I already looked stupid in front of the team, because someone did know and soon, everyone else would know but me. Follow that?

Not only do pretenders lose respect and trust, but there are also a host of negative consequences that come along with making bad decisions or recommendations because you don’t want to admit you don’t know. On the other hand, acknowledging a gap in your expertise and asking for help shows honesty and humility. And that produces respect and trust – the currency of leadership.

If you’re a pretender like I was, quit it!

I don’t know what behaviors you need to quit exhibiting, but I do know there’s an easy way to figure them out. Try this:

Think of the very worst leader you’ve ever had. Now think of the behaviors that made them the worst and the way they made you feel. Quit doing those.

Now think of the best leader you’ve ever had and the behaviors that made them the best. Start doing those instead.

No better time than the start of the new year to give yourself a little leadership tune-up.

Or you can keep doing the same thing and getting the same results.

It’s up to you, leaders.

Confessions of a Recovering Perfectionist

Confessions of a Recovering Perfectionist

Several years ago, my sister gave me a copy of Impossible to Please by Alan Cavaiola and Neil Lavender. She said it was for my wife, and the book was about how to deal with the controlling perfectionists in our lives.

She also said I might benefit from an impartial description of — get this — me.


Okay, so I only had two standards: perfect and unacceptable. I acknowledged that there was more than one way to accomplish a task… my way and the wrong way. That didn’t make me a bad person, did it?

It’s not like I imposed my unreasonably high standards on my family or people at work. After all, I’ve always said, “Don’t let perfection get in the way of good enough.” And I talked plenty about building a culture where failures are learning experiences and not short-cuts to the unemployment line and of embracing our own failures as steppingstones on the road to self-improvement. Yadda, yadda, yadda.

Other people’s failures, of course.

So what’s the problem with having unreasonably high standards?

The problem is that is makes us damned hard to work for. And guess what, as leaders it’s not about us; it’s about them. We never get the best from people when we bully them — yes, perfectionists bully, even if that’s not their intent.

Perfectionists notice only what’s wrong and not what’s right. But if our feedback style doesn’t include some encouragement about the good while we’re delivering the bad and the ugly, we stop seeing the good at all. And we stop getting the best out of our team.

As an example, it used to be a gold-star day when someone got a report past me without needing some re-work. Did that motivate them to try their best? Only initially, but when they learned their best would never been good enough, they started sending me crap knowing I’d put the effort into polishing the turd. Hardly the practice of a high-performing team.

Perfectionists are inflexible, resistant to change, and stubborn about having it done our way. Nothing wrong with that, since our way is the best, right?

I can assure you that when we aren’t willing to let others do a task less perfectly than we would do it ourselves, we end up pretty much doing everything ourselves anyway. Then we complain about being overworked, underappreciated, and short on the time and energy we need to be spending as leaders.

As my mother would say, “You kinda brought that on yourself, didn’t you?”

With a tip of the hat to Maya Angelou, “…people will never forget how you made them feel.” Perfectionist bosses make others feel like they can’t do anything right. Hardly the legacy I wanted to leave as a leader, but what was I to do? ‘Good enough’ is the last thing I wanted to be remembered as.

Oh, that’s right… it wasn’t about me; it was about them.

The good news: it’s simple to change. The bad news: it’s not that easy to make the change stick.

First, like any good twelve-step program, admit you’re a perfectionist and it’s a problem. And probably a controlling perfectionist at that. Admit that you’re holding others to a standard that you yourself can’t meet, and in the process you’re holding the organization hostage by not letting others be acceptably successful.

The second step simply requires you to reframe success. Is perfection success? Probably. What about excellent? How about fully compliant and on time? What if your email gets the message delivered effectively but is missing a comma? Can you see where I’m going with that?

That’s it. That’s all it took for me. No more mining for Unobtanium.

(Okay, like anyone in recovery, I’m a work in progress.)

Make sure people know what success looks like, and when they get there, let them know it! Set clear and reasonable (achievable) expectations for them — and yourself — and celebrate when they’re met.

That doesn’t mean settling for good enough; by all means, shoot for the stars, make continuous improvements and set audacious goals. Just make sure you’ve effectively communicated what success looks like and be happy when you get there.

What about you? Are you impossible to please?

It’s up to you, leaders.

Effective Leadership Trends for 2025 B.C.–some things don’t seem to change

Effective Leadership Trends for 2025 B.C.

I’m watching every member of my immediate family go through a challenging workplace change. For some it’s a change in location, for one it’s a complete coworker migration, and for some it’s an unplanned change of employer.

For all of us it’s been a somewhat stressful time.

In every case, the root cause is the same: they suffer from crappy leadership.

In the Book of Ecclesiastes, King Soloman declares: “What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.”

So it is with leadership.

I’ve noticed Leadership Development trends go through the same cycles every aspect of business that is hypothesized, analyzed, and reimagined goes through. The Good Idea Fairy comes down and introduces a new way of thinking, doing, and communicating, and a few years later the nay-sayers get their turn to decry the waste of resources trying to do something different.

That could explain why some in senior leadership roles seem to think they’re above leadership development. They don’t participate in the development of others and certainly won’t willingly participate in their own. In both cases, leadership development efforts are wasted.

Nothing new under the sun.

To validate Kevin Berchelmann’s belief (which I share) that nothing much has changed about leadership in the past couple thousand years, I traveled back in time to see what the trends in effective leadership have been in the past. Here’s how some of those who have experienced effective leadership described them to me:

The BEST leaders are “trustworthy approachable, open to feedback, humble, good communicators, willing to help, team players;” they “listen, care, motivate and encourage, build rapport, give recognition, and follow up.”

It naturally follows that the WORST leaders are not… and don’t

These were not new trends ten years ago, or a hundred years ago, or a thousand years ago. But these are just trends. Leaders do these things (or not), but they aren’t the essence of leading. The workplace will never stop changing, but leaders will always have to deal with human nature.

I love this description of leadership, recently penned by W.C.H. Prentice in HBR:

“Effective leaders take a personal interest in the long-term development of their employees, and they use tact and other social skills to encourage employees to achieve their best. It isn’t about being “nice” or “understanding”—it’s about tapping into individual motivations in the interest of furthering an organizationwide [sic] goal.”

By “recently,” I mean in 1961.

See, once you understand and embrace the belief that a leader’s role is to empower others to be more successful for the benefit of the organization, you can’t unknow it.

If you’re in a leadership position, it doesn’t matter that you were the best project manager, the best lawyer, the best nurse, the best widget maker, hell… even the best consultant in the whole world. It’s not about you anymore; it’s about them.

  • We have to be concerned about the well-being of our others. If they don’t believe we care, they’re not going to give us their discretionary effort, and we know that stressed out workers are less productive.
  • We need to have emotionally intelligent leadership skills: compassion, empathy, self-awareness, and effective communication. Contrary to popular belief, EI wasn’t invented by Daniel Goleman in 1995. And these are skills that will atrophy if not used.
  • We have to work to rebuild trust where it’s damaged or missing. Trust is often called the currency of leadership, and I can only describe the level of trust in many organizations as abysmal. To be trusted, a leader has to have competence, compassion, and integrity, and you have to give it before you get it.
  • We need to have – and communicate – a vision that keeps up with changes in the market sector and in the workplace. Maybe especially in the workplace, because work is something you do, not somewhere you go. Whether or not we subscribe to hybrid work, DEI (which is dead, by the way), or AI in the workplace, we can’t pretend our workforce isn’t thinking and talking about it.

That may seem like a lot of need to and have to, but no one – not even wise old King Soloman – ever said leading was easy.

If you need a quick check up on how to be the kind of leader Professor Prentice described, Kevin B. recently posted a piece that cuts through all the fluff to make it about them for the benefit of the organization. It’s worth the quick read.

Crappy leadership isn’t new. But it doesn’t have to be part of our future.

It’s up to you, leaders.

Conflict Resolution: Why does something so simple have to be so hard?

Conflict Resolution

A tip of my hat to my sister for this month’s inspiration. I’ll call her Kevina to protect her real identity, but she’s not going to read this anyway.

You might be surprised to know my sister can be quite direct and is unafraid to offer her perspective to those whom she believes could benefit from her wisdom. Especially in the workplace.

Or if you know me, you might not be that surprised.

Those qualities haven’t always endeared her to the boss and her peers. And lately (only the last 45 years or so) there have been some conflicts with some peers, and she’s unhappy with senior leadership’s conflict resolution style. In my humble opinion, there hasn’t been any actual conflict resolution and damn little leadership – if any.

I won’t address her conflict resolution style. We’re working on that.

Conflict resolution isn’t fun, but it is a critical leadership skill. Managers hide behind policies and processes to punish perceived inappropriate behaviors between offended parties, but leaders know that failing to resolve conflicts leads to an increasingly toxic work environment, lower morale, higher attrition, reduced productivity, etc. Unfortunately, most leaders don’t get much practice because they don’t want to… it’s so much easier to let HR deal with personnel issues.

But there’s a simple three-step model we can employ for resolving conflict in the workplace – and everywhere else you live, play, worship, and shop for groceries. It works best when both sides benefit, but you can’t always control the outcome, only the process. Not often easy, but simple.

And it might take more time than you want, but if you’re in a leadership position, nothing is more important than taking the time necessary to create a positive work environment where people feel appreciated doing worthy work. Relationship repair isn’t just for therapists.

First step: take all the time it takes to get the facts and issues on the table. That means you have to talk to people individually and together. Unless, of course, you’re the one who’s involved in the conflict, and then you’re going to have to bite the bullet and talk face-to-face with the other person.

The reason I emphasize all is it’s easy to jump to a conclusion that makes it appear you have a bias. Then you’re a part of the conflict whether you want to be or not.

No one gets their own facts! When we focus on what’s right and not who’s right, we might discover it’s just a communication issue (everyone gets their own perception) and not an actual conflict. From the outside looking in, it’s often easy to see how preconceived notions have contributed to the mess we’re dealing with.

In Kevina’s case, one of the complaints is that she always looks angry when she talks to her cohorts. Kevina claims it’s not her fault she had RBF – Resting Bitch Face. And she was accused of only hugging old women at work; she claims she gives hugs to people who seem to need them out of compassion and old women (like her) seem to need them more than others.

Okay, you get the picture. I could fill your day with stories of how Kevina is always being targeted and accused of inappropriate behavior only to have a perfectly reasonable explanation. This crap could have been stopped years ago, but senior management (not leadership) has only dealt with it individually and secretly, so it continues to fester.

Second step: seek to understand both points of view. And then help those involved in the conflict to understand the other point of view, so they can understand what it is the other person needs out of the resolution. Not what they want, but what they need.

I’m not a therapist, but sometimes it helps to remind people what they can control and what they can’t. They can’t control other people’s thoughts, feelings, actions, or mistakes. They can, however, control how they respond to them (albeit not very well sometimes).

Now’s probably a good time to take a break. Not reading this, but time to think about the third step.

Third step: find a win/win solution. And unless you’re blessed with an intuitive skill that makes you a peacemaker, this is the part of leadership that takes practice. Be hard on the problem, not the person.

It’s not a sign of weakness to talk it over with a trusted third party or an executive coach; it’s an indication that you care enough about the resolution enough to do the best thing – for the people and the company. Like I said, leaders typically don’t like to get into the conflict resolution arena, so the skills don’t get honed as often as they probably should.

Resolutions don’t have to be a zero-sum exchange or a give-and-take. See them as a positive-sum exchange where both sides benefit by getting what they need.

That’s it: get all the facts and issues on the table, seek to understand both points of view, and find a win/win solution. I told you it was simple.

And please, don’t hide from the conflict like Kevina’s leadership has. I can only predict that someone is going to be out of a job before this is all over.

But that’s up to you, leaders.

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