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“I can’t specifically define it, but I know it when I see it.”
Some may recognize that comment from Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart. He may have been writing on pornography, but so it is with leadership; “We know it when we see it.” You know it when you see it, as do the people working with you and for you.
Here at Triangle Performance, we know it when we see it as well. Better yet, we can help you see it, identifying those characteristics, traits, and behaviors (competencies, for you OD-geeks) that make leaders successful in your organization—since one-size definitely does not fit all. Hence the reason some leaders succeed in one organization but fail miserably in another. Your organization’s culture is unique, its challenges are unique; it stands to reason its leadership needs are equally unique.
The drivers for employee performance are simple—don’t let anyone with a new, glossy hardback tell you different: People must have the knowledge to perform their job, the motivation to do so successfully, and the processes in place for them to put that knowledge and motivation to work for the organization. We help connect those drivers with your leaders. At all levels.
Knowledge. Motivation. Process. It’s what we do, and we do it well.
At Triangle Performance, it’s how We help leaders lead and organizations succeed.
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Leadership Feedback
By: D. Kevin Berchelmann
Email Kevin: kevinb@triangleperformance.com
What does poor communication cost businesses today?
Between reduced productivity, lost talent and other direct and indirect losses, a recent Unify survey indicates lackluster communication can cost businesses up to $5,000 per employee each year. Big bucks.
Communication isn’t rocket science, but it does require thought and care.
A cornerstone of business communication is the feedback system, whether formal – by way of performance reviews, or informal – addressing an employee’s performance (good or bad) and outlining potential course corrections.
Feedback, especially among a leadership team, is critical to a business leader’s growth and decision-making. Frequently, however, the idea of feedback – what it really means – gets misconstrued. Sometimes CEOs think they are providing proper feedback when they simply reprimand an employee as a result of a mistake or error. And while it is important to address mistakes and errors, as C-Level leaders, feedback is often inefficient because there’s no plan in place for these types of communications.
Pop the Question!
Our 2019 Survey of Senior Leadership is complete, and another big thanks to those who participated. Your inputs gave us good insight into what your concerns are as we hurtle towards 2020. Download now — it’s free.