How can I motivate without a budget?

Simple – use your leadership skills and lead. Some simple tips to consider…
- Be honest and become really trustworthy. Do what you say you’ll do.
- Remember always: You are not responsible for another person’s happiness.
- Give praise promptly and specifically when it is due.
- Root out poor management; it’s a huge drain on staff morale, adversely affecting business performance. Whack ’em, and do it quickly.
- Address poor/non-performance quickly, fairly and unemotionally.
- Give your team flexibility, and the room to do their work. Not many people work better under micro-management…
- Create a compelling, energizing vision of your future.
- Send handwritten notes. Thank you’s, Birthdays, Company Anniversaries, or simply for motivation and/or encouragement.
Remind people frequently that you – their leader – are there, and there for them. And Be Brazen.