Intentional leadership takes time, and there are already plenty of demands on the 24 hours we have. Our jobs certainly aren’t getting easier, and I’m betting that most of your day isn’t consumed by core leadership tasks like motivating, developing and mentoring.
So, how much of your job as a leader should you delegate? I would argue almost none of it, since leading more effectively will bring the most benefit to both your people and your organization.
On the other hand, when it comes to management tasks, I think you should delegate virtually everything that someone else can do. This is how I learned it: (more…)
Finding and keeping talented employees is at or near the top of nearly every senior leadership survey I’ve seen lately. Seems like the time is right for the talent management gurus to show off their stuff and make a bundle – which would be a huge waste of your money.
Why? Well, guess what leaders? Your talent doesn’t want to be managed any more than you do.
They want you to put your leadership pants and skirts on and create a work environment where they’re motivated and challenged to do exceptional work.
In short, lead them!
I’ve got the stick for a minute.
A couple of times in my military career, I was fortunate to be able to selectively recruit people for my group. Counterintuitively, I didn’t go after the fair-haired wonders out there. No, I looked for the under-utilized and under-appreciated talent from other groups that I thought could fit into our can-do culture. And they jumped at the chance because they knew they would trusted with challenging (and sometimes dangerously exciting) jobs, flexibility in their working conditions, plenty of recognition and appreciation, and opportunities to grow and develop.
You already know this, but I’m going to remind you: Your employees chose your company because they thought they wanted to be part of what you’re doing. Your talent is leaving because they don’t like the way their boss treats them.
And I’m not stereotyping by gender or generation, although it appears that the younger talent is even less willing to stay in an environment that reeks of “old school” management than a middle-age guy trying to juggle a mortgage, car payments, and college tuition.
No, I’m talking specifically about your most talented employees – from any generation and at any level of the organization. They’re the ones who can’t stand to be treated the same as your employees who only deliver the minimum required to keep their jobs. The ones who give the extra effort because of who they are, and will give you even more if you motivate them. The ones who know that work is something you do, not somewhere you go.
So what does your talent want? What motivates and inspires them? It’s not about the money, and you’ll never keep the ones who really believe it is.
Here’s an idea: ask them!
I did just that with a client’s high performers recently, and the answers were anything but surprising (to me, anyway). Every single suggestion they had for improving their company was a leadership issue – things like more development opportunities, more communication, less favoritism, more follow through and respect – the free stuff that leaders ought to be doing anyway.
It’s not that difficult, folks!
You want to keep your talent? First, get rid of your dead wood. Our experience is that as involuntary attrition goes up, voluntary attrition goes down. Not theoretically – in actual practice, because your talent hates that you tolerate underperformance.
Next, here’s what the high performers said made leaders great (really, I didn’t make this up): “Be approachable, act like you care, follow up, encourage, trust, motivate, give recognition, be open to feedback, communicate more, be willing to help, listen, be humble, build teamwork and rapport.”
Not exactly rocket science, is it?
While loyalty to a particular company may be a thing of the past, loyalty to a particular leader is not. Your talent won’t leave leadership like that.
The same high performers then said they’d bail on a boss who “shows favoritism, lacks trust, lacks integrity, lacks professionalism, is selfish, unfair, unengaged, closed minded, or a micromanager.” Try a few of those, and you’ll be stuck with a bunch of Donny Do-Nothings. Count on it.
I doubt this is new information for any of you, but if you’re having a problem keeping talent these days, your organization’s leaders aren’t doing what you’re paying them to do. Or maybe you’re not.
If we want change to be lasting and more effective, we have got to get better at leading it.
A group of us were talking the other day about leading through change, and I couldn’t help but recall the many reorganizations I’ve watched (or been part of) during my years in the Five-sided Puzzle Palace. It might surprise you to know that not all my experiences with change in the home of the world’s greatest military were positive. Some were slightly less painful than others, but almost all were less than effectively executed – yes, I’m being charitable – because the changes weren’t well led.
In fact, we’ve led it so badly for so long, the very word “reorganization” has taken on an adversarial connotation. I’ve heard it called realignment, refocus, transformation, shake-up, even “simply changing who people work for,” but not once did it feel like we were doing anything but reorganizing.
I’ve got the stick for a minute.
Here’s some lessons that came from examples I’ve see of how NOT to lead during change. I know there are other kinds of change besides a reorganization, but the leadership lessons learned – or not learned – apply across the board.
Most importantly, don’t plan the change in secret. I know… you don’t want to distract anyone from their work by giving them something else to stand around and have fact-free conversations about. Well guess what – too late. You can’t stop the rumor mill with secrecy, and they’re already distracted all day long by wondering “How does this change affect me?” They’ve even given it a pet name, like The Great Disorganization of 2015, Musical Cubicles or Rearranging Deck Chairs on the Titanic.
Instead, communicate, communicate, and communicate some more. To the whole organization. Start with the “why” you’re changing, follow with “what” you’re trying to get out of the change, and continue with soliciting “how” it might work better from the people whose day-to-day activities are affected by the new way of doing thing. You’re trying to get buy-in from the doers, not the affirmation by middle management that they’re okay with the new power distribution.
Next, pleeeeeese don’t change the organization to fix someone’s lack of performance. As in, don’t move a function away from a poor manager and give it to a top performer as a reward. If you do, you can bet you’ve just sent a horrible message to your workforce.
Instead, make sure the change is about the good of the organization. Individual needs do not override the collective goals of the organization (thank you, Mr. Spock). If a manager’s not getting the job done, get him some help (development, coaching, etc.) or replace him. It shows that accountability is more than a slogan on the break room bulletin board.
Finally (almost), don’t continue down a dead-end road just to save face. Not all newly-created organizations work the way they’re envisioned. Teams don’t gel, new leaders don’t lead, promised resources don’t materialize, etc., etc. In fact, a lot of changes don’t pan out the way we think they’re going to, so…
Fix what you messed up, and don’t be shy about telling people why you need to change again. Help your people build change resiliency, and keep everyone’s focus on organizational performance.
Okay, really last… don’t drag out the implementation date. It’s hard on people to have to dance between their current, but soon-to-be-former boss and their soon-to-be boss. Would you rather have your tooth pulled in one appointment or have pieces of it extracted over a series of months?
Change happens, and there are winners and losers in every re-shuffle, but the only people who are happy with change are those in charge of it and those who benefit by it. Still, led properly, growth and success are its by-products, and everyone can get behind that.
Onboarding matters more than any other activity for speed-to-productivity and employee retention.
Onboarding employees today has taken on a new significance. No longer just “new employee orientation,” It can set the stage for long-term success, engagement and employee retention.
A recent SHRM report stated that Onboarding has four distinct levels, called the Four C’s: Compliance, Clarification, Culture, and Connection. The problem is the order—that model needs to be stood on its head, in exactly the reverse order.
Connection comes first. First employment days are wasted with forms and compliance… stop that! Spend that first day—the entire day—connecting with the newbie in a fun, meaningful way,
Make onboarding fun!
that lends value to the new employee first, the organization a distant second. Create an environment that someone wants to be a part of… demonstrate values today that will be reinforced tomorrow. Early connections are lasting connections. Later connections are just that—late.
Culture. Speaking of values… Included in that non-compliance first day, and possibly many more, is the weaving of culture norms and organizational values in demonstrable form, so that words and actions are immediately congruent, and new employees don’t have to wonder what things like “we value innovation” really mean.
Clarification starts assimilating that new employee into the organization and their specific role. Here we help these new folks understand their place in the company, their contributed value, and their significance in the long term for doing the job they were hired to do. It also reinforces their career direction and potential path—something critical for newer employees today.
Compliance events only occur after we have produced distinct connections, shown demonstrable culture and values, and provide some real job and career clarification. Compliance is an organization-only need, and as such brings up the rear in establishing long-term value to an employee. It’s important, but only to us. The employee doesn’t need it to realize his or her value. It must be done, but minimize its significance and distraction.
Onboarding today is the real deal. This is a challenge that can allow Human Resource professionals to play an absolute critical role in the long-term success of new talent. But you’ve gotta do it right, and focus on what’s important for the talent first.
I have a client where we just implemented a rigorous onboarding effort, that includes recruitment, orientation, and also the first several weeks of after-orientation employment. It’s already had a positive effect on retention and engagement, and both of those translate into significant organizational results.
Here’s my issue — attitude, morale, thoughts… none really matter in our workplaces.
Sure, we’d love for everyone to have our version of a good attitude. Yes, I can certainly support “good” morale (whatever the heck that is), and of course, I’d prefer everyone thought like me.
None of these, however, really matter. What matters, of course, is observable behavior. It’s the only thing we can really see, act on, and manage to.
Tell someone they have a “bad attitude.” What happens? They close up and get defensive. “No, I don’t,” is the typical reply. Now where are we? No closer to where we want to be, only now the employee is defensive.
Focus on observable behavior.
“John, every time I say ‘Good Morning’ to you, you tell me to go to hell.” Now THAT’S observable.
“Pat, I’ve noticed you never delegate work to Jamar over there. Why?” Observable also.
Get to the substance — to the part where we can take action to manage, correct, and/or modify.
Stay focused on things we can see, touch and feel… otherwise, your attitude may be showing.
The Unicorn of Continuous Improvement — Two steps forward, two steps back…
Continuous Improvement… the unicorn of any contact center.
Yeah, I know. Continuous Improvement is the wonder child of any measurement-driven organization. The Holy Grail. It’s how we make incremental improvements over time, increasing our productivity, effectiveness and profitability. “It’s what we do.” So, hear me out before you go all “what’s this unicorn crap?” on me. (more…)