by Triangle Performance Staff | Dec 6, 2006 | Kevin Berchelmann, Organizational Effectiveness
We spend no small amount of money on employee retention. Do we spend the right money on retaining the right employees?? Hmmm, I wonder…
Employee retention, the RIGHT employee retention, is a significant issue for businesses today.
Retention is personal; there are some things we can do to create a generally favorable environment, but that’s a small piece of the big puzzle.
You know how to retain key employees?? You ASK them what it takes to keep them. This isn’t rocket science, though we sometimes try to make it as difficult as possible.
by Triangle Performance Staff | Dec 6, 2006 | Kevin Berchelmann, Organizational Effectiveness
First, my bias — I “grew up” in Human Resources, finishing my corporate stint with successive roles at the VP/SVP HR level. So, I somewhat “know from which I speak…”
The skills required of senior HR leadership of today and the future are so incredibly different than those required in the past, that the job almost seems to be a different profession. (more…)
by Triangle Performance Staff | Dec 4, 2006 | Kevin Berchelmann, Organizational Effectiveness
I’ve worked with many organizations, both as the in-house compensation expert as well as an outside consultant, and determining the economic return for incentive plans is clearly a significant effort – and there’s sometimes nothing simple about it.
Incentive plans do not work in a vacuum; even with potentially great compensation plans, outside forces can be such that the results are almost anecdotal. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t make every effort to measure the results, but it does mean that any specific measurements will have “assumptions” built in to the equation. (more…)
by Triangle Performance Staff | Nov 28, 2006 | Kevin Berchelmann, Organizational Effectiveness
Fish or fowl? Black or white? Day or night?
We frequently find ourselves arguing whether human resources — as a function — is a true business partner in the strict financial sense or an employee advocate in the most liberal sense.
We’re wasting our time arguing semantics and methodology. Our resources are better spent discussing and acting on results. (more…)
by D. Kevin Berchelmann | Nov 28, 2006 | Executive Improvement, Kevin Berchelmann
First, understand that “Talent Management” is not some vague concept, but quite simply:
(1) Identifying, sourcing & recruiting talent,
(2) Developing and motivating talent, and
(3) Retaining talent.
It stands to reason that the CEO MUST be pivotal in any successful talent management strategy. I recently surveyed my current and past clients on this specific topic, and “Talent Management,” as described above, is far and away their number one concern moving forward. Above markets, pricing pressures, and even recent legislation challenges.
by Triangle Performance Staff | Nov 2, 2006 | Kevin Berchelmann, Organizational Effectiveness
Human Resources is not a day care. As such, conflict resolution should only be a part of our accountabilities as it relates to making the business successful.
In other words, we aren’t resolving conflict merely to create some kumbaya-looking harmonious state; we resolve conflict so employees will work better and be more productive.
Sometimes, the right answer can be taken from a day care playbook: Shut up, sit down, and color. Quit touching her. Don’t make me stop this car. The list goes on.
They all mean the same thing — “Drop the petty stuff and get back to work.”