A Pig In A Dress…Is Still A Pig!

So, I recently attended my niece’s wedding in San Antonio. Since we frequently travel there to spend time on the Riverwalk, I thought this a wonderful opportunity to evaluate a new hotel for future stays.

Enter The Hotel Contessa.

Lots of staff, all looking like they were in the right places. Classy decor, reasonably upscale. All-suites, and the one we had — a “King” suite — was quite nice.

Who’s On First?

Abbot & Costello (if you must ask, then ‘never mind’) had this brilliant baseball comedy skit where it was difficult – if not impossible – for Abbot to actually determine which player was at which position.

This should not be a natural lead-in for succession planning today; alas, it’s the perfect entré.

We simply must determine, in advance, “Who’s on first.” We have to know – at a minimum – who is capable of assuming our significant (“Key”) leadership roles. Real people, with names and plans behind them.

The Philadelphia-based Hay Group surveyed their “150 Most Admired Companies,” and discovered that almost 80% of these firms’ Boards have a preference for internal CEO candidates. 80 percent! (more…)

Stars That, Well…Aren’t

From my previous post, we sort of just “woke up” and clearly realized we had a star in our midst. Cool… when it happens. 

Just as frequently, we discover they are really “near-stars,” “wannabes,” and/or “pretend-stars.” Those names fit them well, since at their core, well, they simply aren’t stars.

Let’s look at them more closely…

Near-Stars are just that — nearly a star, but still coming up short. They work hard (sometimes, even ‘too’ hard), always struggling mightily to be a strong #2 performer, or to get that eventual promotion.


It’s in the Stars…

“Stars.” “Key Employees.” “High Performers.” ” ‘A’ players.” “Studs.”

A million names for those people, who by most measures, are bigger, better, stronger, faster than the rest.

The top-of-the-employee-food chain.

So, everybody wants ’em, but do we really??

Sort of like a dog chasing a car, what do we do when we catch them?

What to do with Superstars?  (more…)

I Can’t Do What I Don’t Know…

The final point on the Performance Triangle is Knowledge.

Regardless of your personal (intrinsic/extrinsic, I don’t care) motivation, and no matter how well your organization has created sound, repeatable processes, they gotta know what they are doing to do it.

Not exactly rocket surgery, eh??

Give a manager or employee the correct environment; set the stage by establishing processes that promote the behavior you are seeking; provide ample tangible and intrinsic motivation…


HR 2.0 — Logical connection to Web 2.0??

I see HR 2.0 as a real phenomenon, but not necessarily an adjunct to Web 2.0; actually, it’s formative predecessor was likely closer to HR 1.0.

If we see HR 1.0 as an Ulrich-like emphasis on “seat at the table,” more business focus, competency-based development of HR talent, less ombudsman-centric, and creating meaningful, relevant HR strategy to match the business, then HR 2.0 must the next iteration or evolution. (more…)

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