Never wrong doesn’t necessarily mean always right

So, I’m watching an old movie this weekend, “In Harm’s Way.” It’s about a U.S. naval Captain (John Wayne) who has his career derailed after the attack on Pearl Harbor. After an interminable time as a desk-jockey doing little important, the Navy realizes they need this guy to go out and win battles.Pearl

Enter Admiral Nimitz, played by Henry Fonda. He invites all the muckety-mucks to a men’s-only dinner and cigar party (my kind of place), where he gives Wayne his official promotion to Rear Admiral, effectively acknowledging the Navy’s error.

Nimitz says, “The Navy, we all know, is never wrong, though sometimes it’s a little weak on being right.”

Feel free to substitute your, my, or any of a number of other names for “The Navy” above. Sometimes we forget that doing the short-term “right” is not always the same thing as doing the right thing. In other words, sometimes we’re a little weak on being right.

Now, typically when people — ok, ok, “consultants” — use an example like this, the conversation goes in an expected, typical direction. I’d like to use a different example.

For instance, a top sales guy is unable to complete various required reports in a timely manner. Someone (usually HR) convinces us that we need to “be consistent;” if we discipline others for this egregious — nearly heinous — act, we are summarily forced to do the same thing with this top sales performer.

I say that’s a load of bunk. Absolute, positive, cowardly crap.

And it is cowardly.

NimitzTake the courage… use it, find it, or make it, to NOT fall victim to being a little weak on being right. Do the right thing, even if (maybe even particularly if) it seems unfair to average or mediocre performers. Worry about the high-performing sales guy in question; spend zero time being concerned about all those others who only wish you would treat so deferentially.

After all, who can argue with Admiral Nimitz?? Or Henry Fonda?? Certainly not The Duke…??

Be Brazen…

Leading Organizational Transformation

Albert Einstein once said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over yet expecting different results. Organizational Transformation breaks through that insanity. It’s not about working harder—I remember working with several clients during the economic challenges of recent years, and helping them realize that working harder can only “fix” problems when not working hard caused the problems in the first place.

And who was going to admit they weren’t already working hard?

Transforming an organization is not simply improving results, no matter how significant. Organizational Transformation is about being a different organization, not just a better one. It’s change on steroids… that “step-change” that leapfrogs an organization into an entirely different—and better—place.

Organizations wanting to adapt, change, or transform cannot force such change through simple technical modifications like reorganization, reengineering, or the like. You certainly cannot “save” your way there, nor create a budget or forecasting model that will do it. No, you can’t “spreadsheet” into transforming an organization.

This isn’t a quantitative exercise. If it were, I’d develop a do-all Excel spreadsheet for “Transforming Your Organization.” You would simply plug in your numbers, hit “calculate,” and out would come your winning formula for successfully transforming your organization. I would charge a bazillion dollars, have a private island in Tahiti, and wouldn’t invite any of you to come visit.island-with-yacht_w725_h544

Don’t we wish…

To fundamentally transform an organization, you must first embrace a new way of leadership performance to better understand and address challenges and interpret business movements.

How does that happen? In my view, Organizational Transformation needs three elements to succeed:

A clear direction, with equally clear expectations and specific goals. If you don’t know—or can’t clearly articulate—where you’re going, don’t expect to see a throng behind you;

An engaged workforce; we’ll need massive quantities of discretionary effort, and the ability to discern positive directions without incessant oversight. That only comes from a workforce willing to do the right thing for the organization, with or without your immediate presence;

Changed leadership. To change a culture—we must start with leaders. That’s just the reality. Leaders capable of moving the proverbial needle closer to transformation must first transform themselves, focusing less on operational leadership and more on focusing on flexibility, collaboration, and “collective” leadership.

There’s nothing inherently simple about Organizational Transformation, but neither is it beyond the reach of any organization. It takes vision, fortitude, and resolve. In other words, you’ve got to want it—really want it—to get it. Start there, move forward.

Be Brazen.

Leadership and Playing Favorites

   — It’s what good leaders do!

One of your best employees (by whatever performance measure you use) needs an extra day of bereavement leave for the death of a grandparent who raised her near single-handedly. This employee has been with you 6+ years, with no attendance issues, no unreasonable demands, and you can’t even remember the last time she asked you for something. (more…)

Where have all the people gone…?

Here’s an email I recently sent to my Houston-based clients. I’m adapting it for a nationwide article to the rest of my clients as well. Though it sounds regional (and in an extreme way, it is), the fact is that competent candidates are getting harder and harder to source nationwide.

More jobs were created in Houston between January 2006 and January 2007 than in any other metropolitan area in the nation, new figures show.

So, that’s great, right?? Maybe yes, maybe no…

A recent article shows Houston outpacing the nation in job creation, posting a 4.4% growth over 2006 (almost 250K new jobs), versus the nation’s ~1%. National unemployment is around 4.5%, while Houston’s is closer to 4.3% and DFW around 4.7%. Houston’s unemployment dropped almost 20% from 2007’s 5.4%.

Hardly 10 years ago, economists called a 6% unemployment rate “full employment.”

250,000 new jobs created in 12 months. These, of course, are in addition to jobs created through death, disability, retirement, and regular attrition/turnover. Business Services grew by almost 50,000 jobs, and Construction by almost 30,000.

Houston remains in the top 5 metropolitan areas for per-capita adjusted personal income.

What does this mean? It means we’re in a growing, vibrant, local economy. Certainly better than the alternatives, yet we cannot ignore how difficult this makes our efforts to source, recruit and retain competent talent. The competition for a dwindling pool of candidates is fiercer today than ever before.

What to do? Crying won’t help; begging is only marginally effective; whining is out, since there’s no unaffected peers with which to whine. Just for starters, I have 3 suggestions:

1. Create a longer-term talent management plan, including hiring, retention, and succession. Don’t wait until it’s operationally critical to start thinking about a new fill, replacement, or promotion.

2. Grow what you’ve got. If you spend the time, effort, and resources to hire and keep them, for heaven’s sake go the distance and develop them into a higher, better use for the organization.

3. Lead your managers, and make sure they have a long-term focus on talent management & development. You simply don’t have room anymore for the rogue manager that delivers performance while leaving a trail of bodies in his or her wake. Make them personally accountable for talent management within their responsibilities.

Not a do-all, end-all, but a start. This situation will continue for at least a couple more years, and may be our way of life for decades to come.

Let me know if I can help in any way.

Warm Regards,


So, what do we do?? Throwing our arms up and complaining are probably not conducive to career advancement or professional success — many operational managers don’t yet “get’ the severity of the candidate problem.

Is there any answer except cussin’, commiseratin’, and drinkin’??

(Please feel free to respond to that question — use the “Ask Kevin” link on the left side of this page. I’ll publish any responses that look good for all to see…)

Decision-Making, Mistakes and Leadership

— If you ain’t failin’, you ain’t tryin’


mistakes Mistakes. Nobody likes ‘em, everybody makes ‘em. Yet it still sends a quiver up the spines of leaders everywhere, hearing “you made a mistake.” Our minds start racing, searching for pieces of memory that could reveal where we may have stretched a bit, or perhaps were a bit unsure in the decision we made.

“Crap! Now what…?”

We investigate our mistake, searching minute details in hopes of ensuring we never make that mistake again. Or any mistake, frankly. Many of us spend numerous waking hours fretting over the possibility (and reality) of making one mistake or another, incorrectly believing that error-free efforts are the minimum threshold of success for leadership.

How’s that working for you? I’ve got some suggestions that may help you be more successful — and less frustrated — in your leadership decision-making. First, a newsflash: you will make mistakes. Get over it. Mistakes are not inherently bad; our reactions to mistakes are much more telling than the mistake itself.

So, here we go… The 3 Principles for Avoiding Death through Mistakes: (more…)

Tip BIG for the deserving, and drop coal in the tip jars!

Ok, this is a bit of a reach for a Leadership blog, but not really. Tipping — gratuities for service employees — has reached entitlement status, not much different than many current, regular employees.

This is interesting to me, as my wife and I are active consumers. We eat out frequently, do the Starbucks thing, and utilize service providers all the time in our daily lives — as do many of you.

Tips are extra – something on top of a bill for receiving something, literally, “extra.” I’ll tip 20-30% for outstanding service in a nice restaurant, particularly one that we frequent regularly. The level of service provided, then, is truly top-notch.

I’ll even tip 15% for mediocre restaurant service. If the server is neither abusive nor neglectful, I assume they are simply poorly trained, and will mention something to the manager – but still leave a respectable 15% tip. Let them be abusive or (in my mind) purposefully disrespectful, and fuhggetaboutit. I’ll leave the big “0” when necessary to make a point. No more scaling down from 15% or so.

We tip regular service providers, such as stylists, delivery people, etc., usually around 10%, depending on level of service and extenuating circumstances. Tips are both a reward for current service, and a notice of future tips for FUTURE service, so we use them judiciously.

But, and here’s the crux of this post, those tip jars in all the coffee joints and related places… are you kidding me??? I’m going to get out of my car, walk into the shop, wait in line, order and pay, then wait in line for my $4.25 triple-venti-nonfat-no-whip-mocha, and then put money in a tip jar??

What the hell for??

When pigs fly…

They recently opened a new Starbucks in my small hometown of Spring, Texas. The drive-in window – YES, THE DRIVE-IN WINDOW – has a tip jar on the little ledge that sticks out.

After giving my order, I tapped on the glass. The nice young lady slid open the window, and I said, “Excuse me, it seems you’re out of mints,” while gesturing toward that ridiculous tip jar.


And we wonder if this “entitlement” thing is real??

Cheers, and enjoy your coffee.

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