Sexual Harassment: Whack the first one, word will spread

This is not rocket science. You really want harassment to stop? Take a note…

Consequences. That’s how.

Consequences, not “understanding,” especially for starter transgressions. Go ugly early. Consequences earlier mean fewer instances later. Human behavior 101.

For non-leaders, that means immediate discipline for any credible claim. Discipline, not coaching, training, “performance improvement plan,” or any other tired euphemism for doing nothing.

For #leadership, and I include powerful referent leaders here as well, that means zero tolerance. And zero means “zero.” First credible event, whack ’em. No exceptions.

We’ve had a murky problem finally brought into specific relief. Want to train employees? Fine, train away if it makes you feel better. May be some CYA for the organization, but don’t kid yourself; training only works when the problem is lack of knowledge.

We may, in fact, need some training around effective investigations, discerning credible claims, and how not to shoot anyone prematurely. But few adults really need training on how not to sexually harass, and none need training on how not to sexually assault. If they are doing either today, it’s likely not due to a lack of training.

There are just three reasons why employees don’t do what they should:

  1. They don’t know how,
  2. They don’t want to, or
  3. We won’t let them.

The first is the easiest to fix, and seldom the root cause. The latter two are leadership issues, and imminently fixable, given appropriate motivation.

Let’s not hold up short-term gains while we try to change all of society. Stopping sexual harassment in the workplace simply takes a commitment and intestinal wherewithal.

Let’s simply act.

Starting with immediate consequences.

My best friend and partner in crime, Kevin Ross, has a t-shirt that he used to wear around his daughters’ suitors; “Shoot the first one, word will spread.” As a father to two daughters, I can attest to the testament.

We can make that apply to sexual harassment as well. Without the t-shirt.

Be Brazen.

Leadership & Control: Symbiotic, not mutually exclusive

When we use control and leadership in the same sentence, our brows start to furrow. We see controlling behavior as an anathema to empowerment–something to be summarily eradicated, not embraced.

Well, yes, sort of.

Controlling behavior in leadership–when used within relationships–is clearly bad. The world doesn’t need more micro-managers, we have plenty. But make the distinction clear: when used within relationships is the qualifier.

Personally controlling the controllable is something altogether different. And no, I’m not simply playing with words. Let me explain…

Relationships notwithstanding, there is a lot going on in a typical manager’s world. Changes, innovations, developing people, idiotic boss demands… the list goes on. Add to that the occasional “he’s touching me!” and we see quickly that the old, tired phrase “control is just an illusion” is neither old nor tired enough. In fact, it’s still pretty damned active.

There are so many things–most things–over which leadership has little or no control, that for those things we can control, we should do so viciously and purposefully. Our own behavior, for example. The feedback I give others… whether I decide to mentor someone or not… how I act/react to challenges–do I show resilience, modeling that behavior for others, or do I run around shrieking and pulling my hair?

We don’t control much in the big scheme of things, but we do control more than we often think. Grab those things you do control, make sure they happen as you want them to, and save the mental and emotional bandwidth for those things where control is simply a distant mirage, making us believe that water is just over the next sand dune.

But that’s just me…

Talent Management — Snakes!

There is an old joke/fable that most of you have probably heard… it goes something like this:

One day a manager was scouring the countryside for a solid candidate, but striking out everywhere. Lions were too lazy, elephants ate too much, monkeys wouldn’t sit still. The eagles always wanted to be in charge. This manager, beaten and depressed, dropped down and sat in the middle of a field.

Shortly, he heard a hissing, and looked next to his foot… it was a 6-foot rattlesnake! “Hey, there,” said the snake. “I hear you need help. Just hire me, and all your troubles will be over. I’m crafty, pretty fast, and not trying to climb any ladders.”

“Wait a minute…” said the manager, “… you’re a snake! I’ll have to check your references first.” So, the manager contacted people whom the snake had been with before, and sure enough, “You don’t have a very good reputation,” said the manager. “They all say that hiring you will just come back to bite me.”

“C’mon,” said the snake. “Those people are just disgruntled, and maybe even a little jealous. Trust your gut — you need me.”

So, the manager finally acquiesced and hired the snake, who turned out to be a super employee. The manager began thinking he nearly misjudged, and that the references were misguided. Then one day, of course, the snake simply slithered up alongside and bit the manager on the leg.

“WHAT???” cried the manager… “You promised that if I would just give you a chance, this wouldn’t happen.”

“Yes, I did,” said the snake, “but you knew I was a snake when you hired me.”

Now, the real joke is much longer, but you get the idea. In this war for competitive, competent talent, it’s easy to ignore our instincts and available proof, and succomb to the belief that, “maybe they’ll work out after all.”

If something looks too good to be true, or you are convinced through judgment, history, or instinct that it’s wrong… run away from it.

It’s not worth the snakebite later…

Leadership has Rules

Leaders, new and old, sometimes lose sight of the most fundamental tenets of leadership.  Here’s a reminder…

I frequently tell executives that leadership – its concepts, theory, and core applications – haven’t changed in a millennium. Some our demographics may have changed, forcing us to use alternative applications of those concepts, but the basic concepts and theory remain.

So, why don’t we “just do it?”  Sometimes we aren’t motivated; sometimes the “time” just doesn’t seem right.  Maybe we simply forgot some of the basics… hence this article.

I use the following rules for both new managers/leaders, as well as for any level of leadership when taking on a new role – some good things to not forget. So, here goes…

Kevin’s Survival Kit for New Managers — 5 Irrefutable Laws

  1. Never delay or abrogate a decision that must be made. Make it and move on. You may have to immediately make another decision; this doesn’t mean your first one was wrong, merely that your second one had the benefit of additional knowledge.
  2. If you want something specific done, say so specifically, using clear, plain language. Employees, generally, have some difficulty doing their basic jobs; adding “mind-reading” to their description is just plain unfair.
  3. If you always answer employee’s every question, you’ll forever be answering employees’ every question. Questions are teaching moments — don’t rob employees of the opportunity.
  4. Make your expectations clear, then back up a bit and give employees room to do their job. That doesn’t mean “never look back;” to inspect what you expect isn’t micro-management, it’s just good-management.
  5. Employees need their managers to be leaders; they don’t need a shoulder, a buddy, a sympatico, or a commiserator. If you want a friend, buy a dog.

Please print these out, laminate, and put in your top desk drawer…

And follow them zealously.

Be Brazen.

Take us to your Leader… Beam me up, Scotty!

..and a hundred other pithy, nonsensical phrases and statements that clutter our day.

None more ridiculous and colossally undefined, however, as my personal favorite, and one I hear frequently as a consultant to senior leadership:

Take us to the next level.


What level??

How do you/we know what’s next??

In the memorable words of Samuel Gompers (early union guy), when asked what worker’s really wanted, he replied, more. Is that all we’re talking about here? More?

I don’t get this “next level” stuff.

If we start with strategy, and define strategy as the purposeful, planned, vision of our future, and we attempt to create a working plan to achieve that future state… what, then is “the next level” in that context?

I’ve known businesses that successfully and substantially improved their quality of earnings while reducing or flattening revenue growth. Is that “next level?”

I’ve known CEOs who were incredibly intelligent, capable of personally developing, creating, and driving toward a purposeful strategy far different than the organization’s current direction and comfort. Is that the “next level?

Here’s a thought… how about we stick to block-and-tackling, even when it involves strategy and long-term change. We aren’t seeking a next level, we’re driving toward the direction, successes and results that we pre-determined through visionary strategy and on-the-ground leadership.

Now, if we weren’t doing any of that stuff before — maybe it is the “next level.”

But I don’t think so.

Advancing in HR — it takes effort

I currently coach a couple of Human Resources professionals, both at the Director-level. Interestingly, they both asked me, in a span of two weeks and independent of each other, how to really grow and succeed in HR; how to become a real “player” in the business, to command respect, and to develop the credibility necessary to make real-life strategic contributions.

Of course, I had comments — I never promise that what works for me will work for you; only that these DID work for someone… me.

1. Read voraciously. Understand the concepts and philosophy along with the application. Management and leadership theory are necessary foundations — not so you can spout them and sound all mensa-like, but so you can use credible theory when developing your own method of application.

2. Take responsibilities others don’t want, or aren’t doing well. I’m not talking about bush-league stuff like parties and picnics, either. I’m talking about a broken purchasing effort, an underperforming quality or regulatory shop, or something similar. Relevance to HR isn’t the key — relevance to business is.

3. Regularly exceed authority. Forgiveness IS much easier than permission. Many CEOs may not want to see/hear this, but prudent, well thought pushing on your limits of authority allow that authority to grow. It also creates an added base of credibility, as you’ve survived the heat that comes from deciding “outside the box.”

4. Decide, if true, that only the top job will work. Then don’t accept the #2 role for anyone, regardless of size or paycheck. Takes a degree of personal fortitude, and untoward personal confidence, but it pays off. The #2 person is the tactician, not the visionary.

5. Put on boots and jeans, and spend real time “in the business;” learning how knobs are twisted, metal is melted, and trucks are driven. Literally work shifts for weeks sometimes to learn the intracacies of the biz. Get smart on how things work around here.

6. No templates at all. Ever. Develop everything custom for the company you are with. Read, get general ideas, but stop short of using someone else’s compensation plan, bonus effort, human capital plan, or related document to craft yours. Be unique; that’s what your organziation is paying for.

7. Underpromise, overdeliver. Always. Don’t get caught up in saying “yes” so much that you look like one of those Tiger Woods bobble-head dolls in the back window. Say “no” when you need to, so existing commitments are not compromised. Do what you say you will.

And the most important piece — be prepared at all times for plain old “luck.” As in golf, so with a career: Take luck over skill; it’s more frequent and usually more dependable. Particularly if you prepare for that luck in advance.

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