The King of Malicious Compliance

Henry VIII I was the King of Malicious Compliance, and I wore the crown proudly.

Not familiar with the term? It’s a kind of organizational sabotage where the demise of the organization’s leader is the goal.

  • I’ve been known to rigidly comply with an instruction in a way that I knew would cause embarrassment for the instruction giver. (Ask me about my M&M watch sometime.)
  • Knowing I had the answer, I might deliberately withhold my contribution in a discussion unless asked a direct question.
  • I could adhere strictly to office hours – just the arrival and departure times, of course – while spending the intervening hours in decidedly unproductive ways.
  • Even worse, I might do something I knew was counterproductive, just “because you told me to.”

And I was pretty effective, because malicious compliance is contagious.

Inspired or Not, Here You Come!

“Leadership is about influence and inspiration.” – Everyone who knows anything

Who has the most influence on the mood in your workplace?

If you’re part of the leadership – formal or informal – you do. Especially if your mood reveals your anxieties and worries about the business or your lack of compassion for those struggling to meet your expectations.

Your Talent Doesn’t Want to be Managed!

Finding and keeping talented employees is at or near the top of nearly every senior leadership survey I’ve seen lately. Seems like the time should be right for the talent management gurus to show off their stuff and make a bundle. Throw a bunch of money at it and see what that gets you.

Guess what, leaders? Your talent doesn’t want to be managed any more than you do.

They want you to put your leadership pants and skirts on and create a work environment where they’re motivated and challenged to do exceptional work.

In short, lead them! (more…)

Men Don’t Follow Titles

“…men don’t follow titles; they follow courage.” Braveheart

Are you a courageous leader? Do you really know why people do what you say?

Okay, some of you might think it’s a stretch to call what corporate and government leaders do courageous. I’m thinking of former Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke’s recent admission that he colluded with then Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson to mislead the public and shape the government’s messaging during the 2008 Lehman Brother’s collapse in a book called – get this –  Courage to Act.  Heaven forbid we perpetuate the over-inflated sense of self-importance many senior leaders have. (more…)

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