The Courage to Lead
Now, a retirement is seldom cause for accolades. This one, however, bears further mention, and is our clear choice for October’s Leadership Leader.
Full disclosure: Memorial Hermann is a client of ours.
You see, though Mr. Wolterman has been an incredibly successful CEO, his departure has been long-planned, and even then he’s announced it a full year in advance. Not only that, but this outfit has serious bench strength; if I were a betting man, I’d wager chances are good that an internal candidate could be selected as his successor.
But even if an outsider is hired (they have retained Spencer Stuart for the search), the point is this: They (the Board) have choices. They get to consider internal candidates seriously, along with some of the best available external executives in the country. Wolterman takes developing leaders seriously, and he’s got serious talent in his HR/OD shops to support that objective.
There’s some real lessons for succession here:
Well done, Memorial Hermann.
Wow, Captain Obvious, did you come up with that on your own? That landmark understatement earned you this month’s Leadership Milquetoast accolades…
He followed with “Our focus now is really on finishing the projects we have under construction, getting our costs down and becoming more balanced.”
I’m curious—isn’t that what we should be doing all the time? Follow through on projects, manage costs appropriately, and make sure our business is on track? History is replete with skeletons of companies thinking their business model would never be altered. Did the Production side of the industry believe that $100 oil was forever, like the post office stamp? In the history of the oil business, when have oil prices not fluctuated wildly and cyclically?
Worldwide demand is significantly lower than anticipated, reducing overcapacity is an expensive game of chicken, and today’s oil price is just under $50, almost 60% less than last summer’s $120. Rig counts are at the lowest since we began tracking them (almost 30 years).
Over 200,000 employees cut, mostly from oilfield service companies. Producers’ employees will likely be next. Balance sheets have been decimated, or at the least damaged, making borrowing nonexistent or damned expensive. No less than 20 publicly-traded companies have filed bankruptcy (either reorg or liquidation), along with dozens of smaller, privately-held outfits. And when banks reevaluate reserves this quarter, those filings will undoubtedly increase.
So, yes, Watson… I believe maybe “we” did get a little sloppy over the past few years.
Another easy one this month. Too many to choose from, so we called it a split-decision. A tie.
And believe it or not, I’m not even talking about ex-CEO Marty Winterkorn’s resignation over the successful multi-year VW conspiracy to cheat at emissions testing. After all (if we believe him), he was not personally aware of any wrongdoing and “was stunned that misconduct on such a scale was possible in the Volkswagen Group.” Nor does the fact that he’s going to make upwards of $48M this year for it necessarily make him a bad person.
What I’m talking about is the fact that Winterkorn is still CEO of VW’s largest shareholder (holding company Porsche SE) and Chairman of VW’s luxury brand Audi, and Porche’s CEO is coming over to be VW’s CEO “to change the culture”. I could confuse myself again by describing the Porche and VW cronies (like Hans Dieter Pötsch who is the CFO for both VW and Porsche) that are still in senior leadership roles, but that would mean I have an opinion other than:
Ethical breaches like this start at the top. This was not borne out of some lower-level manager, supervisor, or individual contributor. The senior leadership knew – through specific words, approval of resources to commit the fraud, or indirectly through a win-at-all-costs culture – but, unless that leadership team has wicked personal software skills, this ethics breach goes way down through the Porsche-VW organization.
CEOs own ethical behavior, pure and simple, and this is a leadership fail.
And this month’s Co-Loser: since we featured Jeff Smisek’s operating failures at United AIrlines, we should include him this month as a failure… again. This time, he abruptly resigned after allegedly (used tongue-in-cheek) conspiring with David Samson of the NY/NJ Port Authority. Seems Jeffie-boy wanted a reduction in United’s lease for their facilities in Newark, and Samson needed a direct flight to Columbia where he had a vacation home. Smisek gets his costs savings, Samson gets his flights. A match made in heaven. Or maybe that other, more asbestos-friendly place.Dead-last in J.D. Power’s 2014 survey of customer satisfaction, still no labor agreement for 30,000 some-odd flight attendants and mechanics, Smisek failed at every single turn that mattered to customers and employees. I’m a diehard capitalist, but shareholders cannot be the only ones happy with a company’s leadership, and they have only been reasonably satisfied for the last few months.
Of course, his resignation means he pulls in another $5M in severance, plus another $15-20M in miscellaneous consideration. Plus free first-class seats for life. United did, however, cancel his gym membership. Apparently Smisek’s Pilates was their Maginot Line…
Good riddance, Jeff Smisek. I’d wish you well, but you’ve left such a trail of carnage in your wake that I’m just not feeling the love. How about we simply say “good bye,” and leave it at that?
As a top Lieutenant at google (she was employee #20), Mayer was asked about her stupidly grueling schedule (about 250 all-nighters while there). She responded, “I don’t really believe in burnout.” Hell, I guess not.
Since joining Yahoo! just two short years ago, Mayer got rid of the BlackBerrys, replacing them with iPhones and Androids. She provides employees with free food, like all other Silicon Valley companies. She created a system for employees to complain about bureaucracy. She implemented Friday-afternoon meetings (called F.Y.I.’s) where employees can ask Mayer and other execs anything they want. She acquired tumblr, and made nearly $7B in an Alibaba stock sale.
In other words, she turned around a large, bureaucratic, flailing company. The Guardian,a UK based news magazine, says this about Mayer: “Newsflash: move over Gordon Gekko, women can be fat cat capitalist bastards too.”
And did I mention she’s more than doubled Yahoo!’s stock price?
And did I mention she’s again pregnant—this time with identical twins?
Wait, what… huh??
That’s right. The King CEO launched a website, issues a press release, and even had mock-ups done to contain the allegedly peace-building McWhopper… all before contacting Mickey D’s CEO Easterbrook to chat. Burger King (a division of Canadian Tim Horton’s), slipping to #3 burger joint recently, had nothing to lose and everything to gain. But manipulative crap like that doesn’t usually sit well, and this (surprisingly) did not.
Nice try, BK. Really. I’ve got this really cool, alternative idea. Given your lackluster performance as an enterprise, the likelihood your P.E. owner will expect a real return, and McDonald’s seven straight losing quarters… how about you guys both just concentrate on building mediocre burgers and call it a day?
Sometimes, mediocrity is a function of bad decision-making. Like this.
“Life is Short. Have an Affair.” This is the Ashley Madison website slogan. The website, recently hacked and had its subscriber base made public, makes its money selling the chance of an affair to men. I say “men,” since they are the only ones who pay to use the website.
So, this paragon of ethics is having a bit of a struggle; seems when married people subscribe to a website for cheaters, they want some degree of confidentiality. Whouldathunkit??
Never mind all the really easy name-calling and labels. The best part is that the CEO (actually parent company CEO), Noel Biderman, recently “stepped down” in “the best interest of the company.” Biderman, hailed as both “the most hated man on the internet” and “the King of Infidelity” apparently was taking advantage of the services himself, much to the surprise of many (presumably, even his wife). Having pick of the litter, he connected—and had affairs—with multiple “subscribers.”
There’s an executive perk you don’t see every day.
From a business perspective (though the scurrilous stuff is much more fun), this was a company on a meteoric path, doing less than $30M in 2009 and almost $115M last year. It had its sights on a European-based IPO soon, hoping to raise $200M on a $1B valuation.
Rotsa ruck with that.
He’s just a businessman. But he’s damned good at it. The singular point of light during the financial crisis in 2008-2009 (the only bank not needing TARP funds), Dimon has led JPMorgan Chase through some incredible times. He even bailed out Bear Stearns and scooped up Washington Mutual when they all but died—saving some 30,000 jobs in the process. (more…)