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A Crisis and a King -- Is Anyone Else Afraid to Ask, "What's Next??"
April At C-Level
Well, it's May, and we survived another month of the apocalypse. Some good news on some fronts, more bad news on other fronts, but the sun keeps rising and we still have wine, so we've got that going for us.

We're arguing over masks (wear/don't wear), social distancing (stay home or leave), and even what constitutes an essential business -- doctor's offices are not, liquor stores are. Hmmm...

Let's just jump right into this end of April edition of At C-Level . Here's what's included:

  1. Our 2020 SSL (Survey of Senior Leadership) is available for your download! Lots of good info, peruse at your leisure.
  2. Our new video, Coaching in a Crisis. Seemed appropriate for the times...
  3. Ready or Not, Here We Come! We're reopening. What does that mean to us, and to those we lead?
  4. The King Returns! - Malicious compliance is alive and well. Policies meant for a few but written for all violate the Geneva Conventions.

More crazy times. Let us know if we can help in any way - we're here for you.
Our 2020 Survey of Senior Leadership is complete, and another big thanks to those who participated. Your inputs gave us good insight into what your concerns are as we hurtle towards 2020. Of course, it's PC - meaning "pre-Coronavirus."

Lots of input around leadership development and talent management; AI and Change Management are gaining ground - and likely will continue post-Coronavirus.

96% of you said you would maintain or increase headcount in 2020. We'll see how that plays out in the brave, new, post-PC world.
New Video
Don't worry, it's brief. Less than 5 minutes.
Featured Articles
Ready or not, here we come! 
-- Businesses are reopening

By D. Kevin Berchelmann

Ready or not, here we come!

That used to be announced at the beginning of a kid's game, hide-and-seek. Today, it means that states, businesses, the whole economy engine, are starting to reopen. You may violently agree with that, or vehemently disagree with it. That's for Facebook, twitter, letters to the editor, and pithy online commentary.

Because like it or not, ready or not, here it comes!

So, let's be smart about this...

The King Returns!
-- Malicious compliance is alive and well

By Kevin Ross

Some years ago, I wrote a piece for this newsletter about malicious compliance and how, as the King of Malicious Compliance , I learned to put the crown down. Something I read the other day reminded me of that piece (and some past behavior I'm not too proud of) and reinforced the importance of clear communication.

One of my favorite malicious compliance behaviors was rigid adherence to poorly worded policy memos. Following the Letter of the Law while intentionally violating its intent brought about an opportunity for me to rub someone's nose in it (Words mean something!) without admitting I'd done something bad.

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