Leadership & Strategy--Last Call for 2017
November At C-Level
We hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving and that you've finished the turkey and dressing leftovers. Even great leftovers go bad, you know. Speaking of great things going bad...
So, did you reach the 2017 goals you set out to accomplish? If so, super! Are you sure it was because of your leadership... or in spite of it? If you don't know the answer, you really need to get some feedback. This tool can help with that. If you didn't meet your goals, why not? Did you wait too long to get started? Were they too ambitious in today's volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous environment? Ran out of budget? Overcome by new priorities? "Wait!" you say. "I still have a month left!" True enough, but there are already plenty of end-of-year priorities knocking. End-of-year financials, holiday parties, performance reviews, holiday parties, managing your production while everyone's on vacation, Christmas shopping, The opera is almost over, and that gal with the Viking horns on her head is warming up...
As you set your strategy for 2018, don't forget... if someone else in your industry accomplished something you were trying to do (but missed the mark), it wasn't the environment. It was something you controlled, or could have controlled. It's crucial that your 2017 Year in Review be accurate (honest) in its assessment, or your 2018 is likely to end with the same missed goals. Don't let a difficult environment be an excuse for poor performance or bad behavior.
Didn't mean to be a Debbie Downer. Especially after last week's reminder of all we have to be thankful for. And speaking of holiday parties, I'd like to leave you leaders with a reminder that my adult children have heard all of their lives - and not just about parties: Make good decisions and be a good example for others.
What do we really do, anyway?
We get asked that from time to time, by people who haven't worked with us, obviously. While management consulting is technically accurate, it barely scratches the surface of what Triangle Performance brings to the fight. In fact, we think there should needs to be more leadership and less management, and that more people should know the difference.
If you've ever wondered what we mean by executive coaching, leadership development and organizational effectiveness, take a look at the updated one-pager to the right for a better idea.
Leaders & Laggards
In this section, we take a look at recent news and events, and make a gut-reaction determination for two categories:
Leadership Leader
Demonstrating Clear, Personal Leadership
Leadership Milquetoast
Mediocrity in Leadership
Usually an Opportunity Not Taken, or Similar
Kendra Scott's the real deal. She knew her core values when she started designing jewelry in 2002, and she's living them today as the CEO of a billion-dollar jewelry enterprise. That makes it easier - and our girls happier - for us to buy her baubles.
On the other hand, Dara Khosrowshahi isn't exactly walking the talk as Uber's new CEO. Equifax almost handled their data breach better than Khosrowshahi, who sat on the hack for over two months. Core values are more than slogans, Dara.
Responsibility, Accountability, and Leadership
... The Trilogy
by D. Kevin Berchelmann
In discussing people, performance and motivation, we frequently end up in an extended "bunny trail" conversation around the whole subject of individual responsibility and accountability, and what all of that really meant from a leadership perspective.
It doesn't have to be complicated.
Strategy is NOT a Four-Letter Word
... but it leaves the same taste in my mouth
by Kevin Ross
Why do we make so many things harder than they have to be?
If you think about it more than a nanosecond, that question applies to more aspects of our lives than just work, but I'm a consultant, not a therapist. So, I think I'll stick to business and confront one of my least favorite subjects: setting strategy for next year.
Leadership is Dead! Long live Leadership...
Article by Kevin Berchelmann published in The AMA Quarterly (the link is to the non-subscriber blog version of the printed article).
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Kevin Berchelmann was featured on CFO Magazine's website for their "Square-Off" special, Here's Why Executive Pay Gets a Bum Rap.
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Sales Operations 101: ...Pro Tips
Kevin Berchelmann was featured via Smartsheet for their recent feature on the Sales Operations function.
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Kevin Berchelmann was interviewed by Nearshore Americas for their article on Successful Supervisory Development in Contact Centers.
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