Perceptions, Realities, and Trenches
June At C-Level
Q2 2017 is in the can. Done. Stick a fork in it. Completar (for my Spanish-speaking clients).
We're into Summer now, and make sure we avoid the doldrums oft-associated with the season. Grade-schoolers get time off-we, on the other hand, need this time to kick our plans and objectives into high gear, before Q4 becomes an unnecessary disappointment. Pick it up a notch. Your teams need your leadership more now than ever-don't let it take a break.
July is significant; Independence Day, July 4th, is about as significant as they come for us as a nation. It marks the adoption of our Declaration of Independence. Though it literally marks the day that the Continental Congress declared that we were a new nation, the United States
of America, and were no longer part of the British Empire, it generally means outdoor grilling and pool time at our house.
This picture is simply my favorite flag photo; I took it at the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade a few years ago, and I like it.
Call if we can help in any way.
Perception trumps reality. Every time.
by D. Kevin Berchelmann
Okay we've all heard the little idioms, like "perception is reality to those who perceive," or even just "perception is reality." My personal favorite is "my perception is my reality."
What the hell does all that mean? Well for you, leaders, it means that how people perceive your leadership is infinitely more important than what you intend for your leadership to be. It means that what you say means little, compared to the actions that you take (or words that you write).
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Delegate Your Way Out of the Trenches!
by Kevin Ross
Leaders have got to get better at delegating. Intentional leadership takes time, and there are already plenty of demands on the 24 hours we have. Our jobs certainly aren't getting easier, and I'm betting that most of your day isn't consumed by core leadership tasks like motivating, developing and mentoring. Continue Reading...
Last call for 2016 survey-we'll be starting 2017 data collection next month.
If you haven't had a chance to see it, our 2016 Survey of Senior Leadership is still available. Interesting reading, and you can download it here.
In summary, you and your organization #1 challenge is revenue/earnings and profitability. After that, it gets people-centric real quick, with emphasis on effective communications, manager performance and employee engagement/productivity. Nearly half of you will be increasing overall headcount in 2017.
We'd love to hear your comments, questions or inputs for the upcoming 2017 survey. |
Leaders & Laggards
In this section, we take a look at recent news and events, and make a gut-reaction determination for three categories:
Leadership Leader
Demonstrating Clear, Personal Leadership
Leadership Milquetoast
Mediocrity in Leadership
Usually an Opportunity Not Taken, or Similar
Leadership Laggard
Leadership Has Its Idiots, We Show You Who They Are
"What I care about is results, versus how many hours you put in." - Benno Dorer, Clorox's CEO, a dude who clearly believes that empowering and clearing the way for success actually works as a leader, having been named Glassdoor's highest-rated CEO by Glassdoor in its 2017 Employees' Choice Awards, surpassing Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg in the top 10 list.
This time the Millennials have gone too far. According to Sally Smith, CEO of Buffalo Wild Wings, the fact that Millennials are different than previous generations is to blame for declining profits. Pay no attention to their bad service and food, it's the Millenials' fault! Nice try, Sally, but blamestorming is a sure sign of a Milquetoast leader.
David Overton, CEO at The Cheesecake Factory, by conspicuously dodging any personal accountability for dreary financial forecasts by saying "the weather caused people to not eat as much on our patios." Seriously, he's using the weather as a reason why The Cheesecake Factory is doing worse than his competition. That's a serious Eeyore-esque dark cloud following him around...
Personality Trait Assessment
Who are you, really?
We can help you answer that question. Take a complimentary (yes, free) assessment yourself, or use it to find out more about candidates. Create a benchmark for skills in your organization, or use it as a template for coaching efforts. Click here to take the assessment and receive a complimentary Personality Profile report.
Kevin Berchelmann was featured on CFO Magazine's website for their "Square-Off" special, Here's Why Executive Pay Gets a Bum Rap.
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Sales Operations 101: ...Pro Tips
Kevin Berchelmann was featured via Smartsheet for their recent feature on the Sales Operations function.
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UBER is Dead! Long live UBER...
Kevin Berchelmann interviewed by
The Blue Collar Proud Show
Interview starts around 31:40
Listen to the Podcast
Kevin Berchelmann was interviewed by Nearshore Americas for their article on Successful Supervisory Development in Contact Centers.
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