Leadership: It Is What It Is
July At C-Level
Mid-point 2017 has come and gone. This year - like all years, it seems - is rocketing by. The days are getting shorter, we've used up more than half our three-day weekends, and we're closer to Christmas than to President's Day.
Yes, we're in the home stretch; are you halfway through your key plans, objectives, and targets for the year? If you are, great! If not, it's time for real, actionable effort if we're going to see success on those goals and objectives we set for ourselves and our teams.
But don't forget, over the next several months, we have to keep one eye trained mercilessly on 2017 success, with the other equally focused on 2018 planning. That never-ending circle of life in our business world...
Make it a point to closely examine a few things right now:
- Take clear stock on 2017 goals and objectives; ensure
those that are really important get the resources they need - now.
- Start doing a 2017 autopsy: what went well, what didn't, and why.
- Begin clarifying vision, strategy, and directions for 2018 and beyond. Keep in mind the clarity that should come from your assessment of 2017 activities.
- Don't forget to consider the leadership skills - new and existing - that are required to move forward. Bad place to go short-sighted.
My daughter is fond of saying, "If you wait until the last minute, it only takes a minute." That may work when using the PDOMA method of writing a blog post, but it makes a really lousy business strategy.
Don't get caught later in the year with not enough minutes on the clock; in the immortal words of Larry the Cable Guy... Git 'r done!
Call if we can help in any way.
Triangle Performance LLC's 2017 Survey of Senior Leadership begins now!
This will be our tenth year for the annual survey; the participant rate continues to grow, as does the validity and direct applicability of the data presented. You should receive the survey link in an email in the next few weeks, or you can click here to take the survey now.
Free Leadership Development
-- Please, don't tell my wife I'm doing this...
by D. Kevin Berchelmann
Yes, leadership development can cost money. Most of us believe the returns are well worth it, and I've had the professional pleasure of working with many of you in improving the skills and behaviors in your leadership staffs.
But you know what? Most of the more significant things that leaders can do are free.
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It Is What It Is...
...But What Is It?
by Kevin Ross
I looked up from my desk the other day and noticed (again) a retirement present from a good friend and co-worker that says, "It is what it is." Too often, I hear that phrase uttered in a tone of voice that conveys resignation to an unpleasant situation or acceptance of defeat. It doesn't have to be that way!
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Leaders & Laggards
In this section, we take a look at recent news and events, and make a gut-reaction determination for three categories:
Leadership Leader
Demonstrating Clear, Personal Leadership
Leadership Milquetoast
Mediocrity in Leadership
Usually an Opportunity Not Taken, or Similar
Leadership Laggard
Leadership Has Its Idiots, We Show You Who They Are
Mehran Assadi, CEO of National Life Group, believes leadership is a privilege, not a right or an entitlement. And this guy walks the talk. Under his leadership, National Life has been the fasted growing life insurance company over the last decade, with employee engagement and agent retention four times the industry average. "People First" isn't just a motto with this guy, it's a way of life at National Life, and that's the kind of Leadership Leader we like to highlight.
There is no success without successors. PepsiCo, Inc.'s CEO, Indra Nooyi, has made sure of it again. She promoted another rising star and potential successor to President after leaving the post vacant for nearly three years... longer than the last two presidents tenures combined. And then she made sure the world knew "there is no heir apparent" when she announced that the incoming president shouldn't be presumed her successor. Swing and a miss, Indra. Being that tone deaf is a classic Milquetoast move.
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. After seven times? For heaven's sake, please stop. No one likes to see someone fail that many times, especially not the 135 more people who got sick eating at Chipotle's. Come on, Steve Ells, things like this don't happen in a vacuum. It's a leadership failure, and you've managed to climb all the way down the ladder of success to Leadership Laggard.
Personality Trait Assessment
Know thyself! An effective leader's first awareness must be self-awareness. Click here to take a complimentary (yes, free) self-assessment and receive a Personality Profile Report.
Get to know others! You can also use the assessment to find out more about candidates, create a benchmark for skills in your organization, or use it as a template for coaching efforts. Click here to start using it today.
Kevin Berchelmann was featured on CFO Magazine's website for their "Square-Off" special, Here's Why Executive Pay Gets a Bum Rap.
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Sales Operations 101: ...Pro Tips
Kevin Berchelmann was featured via Smartsheet for their recent feature on the Sales Operations function.
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UBER is Dead! Long live UBER...
Kevin Berchelmann interviewed by
The Blue Collar Proud Show
Interview starts around 31:40
Listen to the Podcast
Kevin Berchelmann was interviewed by Nearshore Americas for their article on Successful Supervisory Development in Contact Centers.
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