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October. It's my birthday month and Halloween. I'm sure there's some connection, or at least certain someone will make a connection. As the first month in Q4, it's time to start acting on two fronts:

  1. Time to "git 'er done" for 2013 objectives. Make a real assessment, then either push hard, or push into 2014.
  2. Speaking of 2014, time to start planning. Assess your performance this year, and use that leadership vision to discern direction for next year. And this year, let's be more realistic, shall we?

If I can help with the coaching, leadership development, compensation planning, or strategy parts of your now-high-speed efforts, you know how to reach me.

D. Kevin Berchelmann, CMC
Triangle Performance, LLC

Surveying the Landscape...

Triangle Performance LLC's 2014 Survey of Senior Leadership begins now! You should also receive the survey link in a later email, later this month or early November. This will be our seventh annual survey; the participant rate continues to grow, as does the validity of the data presented.
2014 Survey of Senior Leadership >>.

Many of you have asked, so I'm also opening the 2014 Survey of Compensation Trends today.
This will be our eighth consecutive annual survey on the topic. There are just a few brief questions for this one, taking you just a minute or two, and you can find that link here:
2014 Survey of Compensation Trends >>

On Stage...!
Leadership is Easy... Until it isn't!

Face it, when things are running super-smooth, when everyone is playing well together and business is bustling along... leading just isn't that hard. At least from a reactionary standpoint. Now, let one of those perfect assumptions bust open, and "game on." This video reminds us that we're really needed when we're really needed.

Click To Here Watch Video >>

Am I Developing, Training, or Coaching?
--Who makes up all these words??

Sometimes definitions can help. In improving leadership talent, it really does matter.

In the classic movie "Princess Bride," Vizzini was fond of saying "Inconceivable!" every time something occurred that surprised him. Not once, but three of four times before Inigo Montoya (Mandy Patinton of Criminal Minds fame) finally said, "You keep using that word—I do not think it means what you think it means."

Click To

Rewards for Doing Your Job
-- Why would I do that?

But, Kevin, that's his job!

An exasperated client exclaimed this to me after hearing—again—that she should get better at recognizing her folks, and to consider using regular accomplishments as the impetus, versus waiting for the one-off spectacular event.

She disagreed strongly, obviously. She felt that if people were just doing their job, they weren't doing anything exceptional, ergo no recognition warranted or expected. "Their paycheck is a reward for satisfactory behavior," she said. I'm sure no one reading this has ever uttered those words.

Click To

He speaks...

I continue to present on various topic, one in particular:
"Successful leadership in challenging times..."

If you'd prefer another topic for your event, let me know (and give me enough time to make something up to impress you--you won't be disappointed).

If you have a corporate, trade, or association event, I'd certainly enjoy speaking to your group. You can see more information regarding speaking topics and details on my website.

View Speaker Page


- HPL Insider"It's Called Leadership, not Jerkship"
"5 Laws of Leadership You Must Never Forget."
- About.com
"Incentive Compensation During Challenging Times--Boom or Bust? Taking the brutality out of brutal honesty"
- Fortune
Save the Date - December 9th - Leadereship Trianing Event

2014 Survey of Senior Leadership
2014 Survey of Compensation Trends
Leadership is Easy... Until it isn't!
Am I Developing, Training, or Coaching?
Rewards for Doing Your Job
He speaks...
Successful leadership in challenging times...
Have you visited my website recently?

Our first awareness must be self-awareness. Take a complimentary assessment.


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© 2013 Triangle Performance, LLC
281.257.4442   •    kevinb@triangleperformance.com