Back 'em up, inspire 'em, and don't let the time slip away.
February At C-Level
Time flies, whether you're having fun or not!
2016's more than off to the races. Incredibly, we're more than 10% of the way through the year.
Scary, huh?
It shouldn't be. We should be prepared... we did a good analysis of 2015--what worked, what didn't work, and a post-mortem for reasons why, didn't we? A solid vision and future strategy is guiding our course for 2016, right?
Is that your reality?
Are your plans in place? Do you have the talent available to implement/execute? Sufficient, competent leadership to guide the way, motivate, and make things happen? Compensation and incentives that are actually congruent with your objectives?
Answer these questions now. Right now. Wait another month, and your plans better need only 75% of a year to execute...
If you need help with leadership development, coaching, or strategy part of your high-speed 2016 plan, you know how to reach us. But don't wait! "If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you'll never get it done." Bruce Lee Oh, yeah... don't forget that Valentine's Day is this weekend.
Our folks make mistakes.
I know, that's heresy, but it's still true. We make mistakes all the time, we can only assume that the people working for us do as well.
So, when they do make that mistake, what do we do? Whack 'em immediately? Beat 'em up about it? Public humiliation?
How about, Complete unequivocal support.
Wait... WHAT??
Inspired or Not, Here You Come!
by Kevin Ross
"Leadership is about influence and inspiration." - Everyone Who Knows Anything
Who has the most influence on the mood in your workplace? If you're part of the leadership - formal or informal - you do. Especially if your mood reveals your anxieties and worries about the business or your lack of compassion for those struggling to meet your expectations.
Leaders & Laggards
In this section, we take a look at recent news and events, and make a gut-reaction determination for three categories:
Leadership Leader
Demonstrating Clear, Personal Leadership
Leadership Milquetoast
Mediocrity in leadership. Usually an opportunity not taken, or similar.
Leadership Laggard
Leadership has its idiots, we show you who they are.
"What better lesson can we teach [young athletes] than to respect the flag and the people it represents?" UT Chancellor Bill McRaven reminds us that leading by example isn't an option.
Xerox. A lifetime of "just after the nick of time."
"Waaaa! You better stop saying true things about me or else." Martin Shkreli's on a roll. You'd think after his firings and indictment, the triple-ex-CEO would learn to keep his feet out of his mouth. Not a chance.
2016 Survey of Senior Leadership
Triangle Performance LLC's 2016 Survey of Senior Leadership begins now! This will be our ninth year for the annual survey; the participant rate continues to grow, as does the validity and direct applicability of the data presented. You should receive the survey link in an email later this month, or you can click here to take the survey now.
Personality Trait Assessment
Who are you, really??
We can help you answer that question. Take a complimentary (yes, free) assessment. Or use it to find out more about candidates; create a benchmark for skills in your organization, or use as templates for coaching efforts. Click here to take the assessment and receive a complimentary Personality Profile report.
International Institute of Directors and Managers
Training-Best Practices for Leadership with Contact Center Supervisors
Kevin Berchelmann was interviewed for a current article on leadership development for call center Supervisors.
Read the Article...
Pulse article by Kevin Ross published on LinkedIn
Kevin Berchelmann - already more than a little outspoken - heads clearly off the rails in a new blog with his friend Richard. Take a look and sign up. Knowing those two, it's sure to be interesting!