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Gymnasts, Tuna, and Leadership
August At C-Level
The dog days of summer...

I was in Dallas a few weeks ago, and here’s how it looked:

On the positive side, our pools are getting some serious ROI these days, so we’ve got that going for us.

Now, straight to the meat… this newsletter looks a bit different, and we’re likely not done changing yet. Would appreciate your feedback.

The 2017 SSL (Survey of Senior Leadership) is still available, and the 2018 SSL will begin next month—stay tuned, and as always, thank you for participating.

Speaking of changes… we’ll have more coming soon. Our Triangle Performance website will be getting a facelift, and we’re near the roll-out of a both a podcast channel and webinar series. Stay tuned!

On a recent trip returning from Nashville, I was fortunate enough to sit next to the Olympic gold medalist Simone Biles. Pretty, gracious, and very short (4’8”), she needed help getting things into and out of the overhead bins. Fortunately, volunteers seemed to be falling out of their seats…
Featured Articles
Hey, this stuff works! 
— Whouldathunkit??
By D. Kevin Berchelmann

Feedback is a good thing.

We recently received an email from a junior executive we had worked with for several years. He left the client company about a year ago, and decided it was time to let us know what he thought of us. For those who know us well, you know this could have gone several ways… 

You better develop your own leaders…
because HR’s not going to do it.
By Kevin Ross

I was reminded (again) this week that just because someone says it’s a priority doesn’t make it so. True across the board: politics, government, military, and from the C-suite on down.

This reminder was about leadership development, of course, because that’s what we do. Do you think development is important in your organization? One quick way to tell: who’s in charge of it?

Our Thoughts